As millions descend on voting booths today, I'd like to remind you that no matter the outcome, America will go on. What the landscape will look like remains to be seen, but one thing that will always remain constant is the need to prepare. If you've been reading ITS long enough, you'll hopefully know that the preparedness we foster here isn't about holing up in a bunker with a tin foil hat, it's about living a life that's free from worrying over the "what if's" that come your way. What if there's a financial collapse? What if there's a power outage? What if I get lost in the woods? What if I get locked out of my house? The answer to those questions lies in building up the necessary skill-sets to overcome them. Knowing how to plan for your financial future, how to communicate in the event of a power outage, how to navigate using a map and compass or even how to pick a lock, aren't just cool things to know; they're empowering skills. By empowering, I mean that having the knowledge and capability to prevail over anything that comes your way makes you a force multiplier. Think of it like being your own insurance policy for the things that can't be insured through traditional methods. Just like G.I. Joe cartoons taught me growing up, knowing is only half the battle. Many of these skills are perishable and you have to practice them to stay proficient. I know you've probably doubted the validity of learning and practicing something you might never use, or thought that there are better things to do with your time. However, to quote the movie Spy Game, "When did Noah build the Ark, Gladys? Before the rain, before the rain." You don't know when the rain is going to come, or when you'll find yourself or your loved ones in a bad spot, but the time to prepare is now. We all have our preference for the next President of the United States in this election, but are you prepared for what you think America will become if your candidate doesn't win? These words above were largely written in 2016, before the last election and I've only edited them slightly here for this email. I wanted to share this today because this is still just as relevant as it was four years ago. While no one could have predicted the last 7 months we've all been through now, it's important to remember that there are opportunities all around us as a result. Hell, I started ITS in 2009 in the middle of a recession. Don't let your preconceived notions cloud your mind; put your body in gear and your mind in neutral. I hope you and your loved ones are safe and that you always think twice before you put yourself in situations that have the potential to turn violent. There's such a thing as being in the wrong place at the wrong time and that's completely different than knowing you're in the wrong place and expecting a good time. Lastly, as bad as it is in nearly every aspect of our lives, it can always get worse and isn't that the best reason to prepare? Stay safe and keep your head on a swivel, Bryan Black CEO & Founder, ITS Tactical | | | | |